Speed Boosters Sports Performance Training Blog

Welcome to the Speed Boosters Sports Performance Training Blog! This blog has been developed to inform athletes, parents, coaches, and the sports performance training community on: tips for increased athletic performance, new reasearch and findings in sports training, as well as information on our training sessions, and upcoming events.

Speed Boosters provides training programs devoted to enhancing athletic performance. The programs are designed and developed to meet the needs of middle, high school, college and professional athletes. We combine cutting edge training methods, state of the art equipment, and knowledge and expertise from certified sports conditioning specialists and SPARQ certified trainers who bring a wealth of theoretical and practical strategies in the sports performance arena.

Sean Erwin B.A., M.S.E., M.Ed., SCS, SPARQ Certified
Speed Boosters LLC
Owner/Sports Performance Trainer

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Summer Training

Does your training need a SPARQ? We will be offering several options for athletes who are interested in increasing their athletic performance. Listed below are several options for training with us this summer. We also do group and team SPARQ Training and SPARQ Testing sessions and will come to your facility or practice. Check back often for more offerings.

New Summer Training Sessions begin June 9th.

SPARQ Training Sessions
Days: Monday and Friday
Times: 9:00-9:45, 9:45-10:30, 10:30-11:15
Location: St. Louis Baseball & Fastpitch Academy
Cost: $10 per session
Open Enrollment- Attend on days and times of your choice

Female Functional Strength Training w/SPARQ Training Sessions
Days: Monday & Friday
Times: 9:00-10:30, 9:45-11:15
Location: St. Louis Baseball & Fastpitch Academy
Cost: $15 per session

Open Enrollment- Attend on days and times of your choice

For more information contact:


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