Speed Boosters Sports Performance Training Blog

Welcome to the Speed Boosters Sports Performance Training Blog! This blog has been developed to inform athletes, parents, coaches, and the sports performance training community on: tips for increased athletic performance, new reasearch and findings in sports training, as well as information on our training sessions, and upcoming events.

Speed Boosters provides training programs devoted to enhancing athletic performance. The programs are designed and developed to meet the needs of middle, high school, college and professional athletes. We combine cutting edge training methods, state of the art equipment, and knowledge and expertise from certified sports conditioning specialists and SPARQ certified trainers who bring a wealth of theoretical and practical strategies in the sports performance arena.

Sean Erwin B.A., M.S.E., M.Ed., SCS, SPARQ Certified
Speed Boosters LLC
Owner/Sports Performance Trainer

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Female Sports Performance Training

I often get the question: "Should females and males train the same way?" The answer to this question is both yes and no. Females and males do need to train the same biomechanical movements but there are some gender differences that need to be addressed while training. Before I get any further, no females will not get bulky or "man like" by sharing some of the same training principles as males. Females lack the capabilities of producing large amounts of testosterone.....naturally.
When training for sport females must address a few areas. The first of which are the hamstrings. Females generally have weaker hamstrings. This comes from using their much stronger quadriceps. How can this cause problems? This is exactly why females are up to 8 times more likely to obtain and ACL injury and most of these injuries occur in females under the age of 23. The ACL is one of four ligaments that help stabilize the knee. One of the functions of the hamstring is to protect the ACL. If the hamstring is weak you can see the problem.
There are measures that can be done to help prevent this type of injury. I like to refer to it as "pre-hab." Which basically means correcting the issue or problem before it occurs. This can be done through a sports performance training program that has been designed with the female in mind. The program should contain dynamic stretching, proprioception drills, agility, explosive movements, and strengthening exercises.
At Speed Boosters we have seen a significant increase in female particpation in sport performance training over the past year not only for its increased athletic benefits but also for injury prevention. We have several females as young as 9 and 10 years old participating in the training to help correct the imbalances which are often present in females. The participation of these young ladies will not only help to decrease the risk of injury but will also increase their athletic performance and on field accomplishments.
For these reasons Speed Boosters will now offer a Female Sports Performance Training program. This program is just for females and will address the needs of female athletes. It is an excellent program that will compliment the demands of summer schedules of many female athletes. Many injuries occur during the summer when fatigue sets in and these imbalances and weaknesses are exposed. The program will address the areas of concern and will provide a solid platform for peak athletic performance throughout the entire summer. This new and innovative program will begin June 9th. Check the blog or our website www.speedboosters.net soon for more details.

1 comment:

RAQ Training said...

Great article. I would love to do an interview with you on my blog for I train youth athletes, especially females.